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Window FAQ's
What do I look for in a good window contractor?
Longevity. The Better Business Bureau says 96% of small businesses die within the first 2 years! If you’re buying a product that you expect to last you 25 years or more, going with a company that has stood the test of time is the best way to ensure your roof will as well. Albana Roofing has served communities just like yours for over 27 years! You can click here for a brief history of our journey to serving over 10,000 customers like you! Don’t forget to take advantage of our free window estimate software above!
How important are references when selecting a window contractor?
The best way to know if you would have a great experience with a window contractor is to see what others who hired them for their service thinks. The best source of which are sites like Angie’s List. You can click here to view our review page on Angie’s List and see what customers just like you think of us!
How much does a window cost?
Not all homes are created equal. A substantial number of factors are considered when pricing a window project. Size, styles, whether your window openings have rot, window options such as grids, colors, among many others. A general range can be determined for a number of cases, and our free tool above can handle many of them. Fill out our tool above to get a general idea of what you can expect with your window replacement. If you would like the most accurate quote, contact us to schedule a meeting with one of our trained representatives and go over your roof today!